Monday, February 2, 2009

Playboy Twin’s Karissa & Kristina Shannon Need Breasts Painted On

Karissa Shannon and Kristina Shannon Pictures

Here are twins Karissa & Kristina Shannon on Game Day at the Playboy Mansion wearing body paint football jerseys. As you guys know, this pair are Hef�s new �girlfriends� and unlike his other girlfriends, they don’t have fake tits. When is Hef going to invest some Bunny-Money and make them real Playboy material? Just because they�re twins doesn�t give them the right to ruin a whole franchise that provided me with unrealistic expectations in the women I date. I want twins with big tits goddamit!

29 more pictures of Playboy bunnies at at Game Day at the Playboy Mansion here

Karissa Shannon and Kristina Shannon Pictures Karissa Shannon and Kristina Shannon Pictures Karissa Shannon and Kristina Shannon Pictures

Karissa Shannon and Kristina Shannon Pictures Karissa Shannon and Kristina Shannon Pictures Karissa Shannon and Kristina Shannon Pictures

Karissa Shannon and Kristina Shannon Pictures Karissa Shannon and Kristina Shannon Pictures Karissa Shannon and Kristina Shannon Pictures

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Photos: Wenn, SplashNewsOnline


[Source: Hollywoodtuna]