Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jessica Biel Channels Ellen DeGeneres

Jessica Biel Pictures

Jessica Biel is by far one of the hottest chicks in Hollywood, so it breaks my heart to see pictures of her looking like a high school art teacher. What is this? I know Halloween is just around the corner but girls are supposed to dress as slutty nurses or slutty meter maids not Ellen DeGeneres from 1991. Get it together.

Jessica Biel Pictures Jessica Biel Pictures Jessica Biel Pictures

Jessica Biel Pictures Jessica Biel Pictures Jessica Biel Pictures

Jessica Biels Nipples Are Refreshing
Goodbye Lindsay, Hello Jessica Biel
Jessica Biels Ass Needs A Jessica Alba Makeover
Jessica Biel Gets Groped In Her Bikini

Photos: Flynet


[Source: Hollywoodtuna]