Jessica Simpson may also have set a record at the box office. Her latest film, Blonde Ambition, co-starring Luke Wilson, took in just $1,190 over the weekend. True, it was shown in only eight Texas theaters, but that’s still an average of less than $50 per theater per day, meaning about six people showed up to see it in each location each day.
Well, this must be a real disappointment for Jessica Simpson. I blame it on Tony Romo since Dallas fans blamed Jessica for his worst game ever. That said, I hope the Cowboys lose in the first round of the playoffs and dont win a Super Bowl for the next 100 years. Serious guys, if you dont support Jessicas movie ambitions, well never have the opportunity to see Jessica Simpson naked in a film ever! So go buy the DVD, or get your ass to the theatres! Its your duty.
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[Source: Hollywoodtuna]