Thursday, December 27, 2007

Jessica Simpson’s Blond Ambition Tanks

Jessica Simpson Pictures

Jessica Simpson may also have set a record at the box office. Her latest film, Blonde Ambition, co-starring Luke Wilson, took in just $1,190 over the weekend. True, it was shown in only eight Texas theaters, but that’s still an average of less than $50 per theater per day, meaning about six people showed up to see it in each location each day.

Well, this must be a real disappointment for Jessica Simpson. I blame it on Tony Romo since Dallas fans blamed Jessica for his worst game ever. That said, I hope the Cowboys lose in the first round of the playoffs and dont win a Super Bowl for the next 100 years. Serious guys, if you dont support Jessicas movie ambitions, well never have the opportunity to see Jessica Simpson naked in a film ever! So go buy the DVD, or get your ass to the theatres! Its your duty.

Jessica Simpson Pictures Jessica Simpson Pictures Jessica Simpson Pictures

Jessica Simpson Pictures Jessica Simpson Pictures Jessica Simpson Pictures

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[Source: Hollywoodtuna]